I'm not sure where the month of November went. It has kind of been a whirlwind around this place with work being busy for both Blair and I. The kids are troopers though and take it in stride, we are very fortunate to have fantastic babysitters and seem to be able to juggle as a "tag team" operation!
Throughout the month C had his first hockey game and is absolutely loving it! It's so great to see. B enjoys hanging out at the rink and can't wait till the buzzer goes and he can have a snack!
We moved the boys into share a room so that we can get the other room ready for baby. The boys have both adjusted amazing and are sleeping great.
We had our first parent teacher interview for C and were very pleased with what his teacher had to say. He also received Student of the Month and was very excited to share that with us. The same day he received the award, he lost his first tooth. The tooth fairy made a visit that night and he was pumped!
B had a huge break through the end of the month and is now diaper free!! It was a slow start but once he got onto it, he has been doing great since. Wow, that is nice not changing 3 year old poopy diapers!
So those are just a few of the things that stand out for our November, can't believe how fast it went! Now onto December!
November was a GREAT month for you guys :)