What another great day today was. We had Carter's Birthday Party #2 today with the family. It was a beautiful day and thus we enjoyed the weather and sat out on the patio.
Our kids are so fortunate to have so many grandparents. They have both sets of grandparents and two sets of great grandparents and a great grandma. I actually didn't realize how lucky I was growing up until I started talking with Blair after we met about our families and how he lost his grandpa at a very young age and his grandma passed away in his teens. I was fortunate to get to know four great grandma's and one great grandpa and still to this day have my grandparents around. I have special memories of each of them.
Great Grandma S always had the cookies and tea on when we went to visit her and she always had beautiful flowers in her garden. At her house there was a trap door to go down into the basement with a ladder that pulled down. Every once and a while we would get to go down there and play...a highlight as a little girl!
Great Grandma M I didn't get to know as well but I remember going to her house and visitng and always getting a snack.
Great Grandma and Grandpa N...well as I grow older I realize that they were both quite the witty couple!! I loved listening to Great Grandpa N's stories from the past (he was born in 1902). I loved hearing the stories from when they were young and first married and they lived at the house that my dad ended up growing up in. All along the front used to be a big verandah and apparantly they would host dinner parties and dances for all of the neighbours in the country...I can just envion it now and it gives me a warm feeling inside! They would always come out to family gatherings at the farm...grandma drove...that was her way..she "ruled the roost" so to speak but as I type this I have to giggle. She was a neat lady, she would always let you know if she felt you had put a few pounds on or not or how you were looking. She was a classy lady as she alsways had herself done up and put together. I can see that old brown car driving down the lane now...not knowing if there was anyone in the drivers seat as she was so short and sometimes literally had to sit on a telephone book. They really were great folks. Grandpa N would leave $50 bills for Grandma (his daughter) by tucking them in the couch or different places (I think it was probably his allowance)...kind of his sneaky way of giving to Grandma. So many other memories I could type for a long time. I feel very fortunate to have gotten to know them very well over the years and only now do I wish that we would have recorded the many stories and tales from their life while they were still around.
Sorry...kind of got off topic.....
All of Carter's grandparents were able to make it except for one...pretty lucky boy...even Grandma R (our dear neighbour from across the street at my mom and dad's place...she was like another Grandma to me growing up!), and his Auntie and Uncle on my side. It was a great day filled with great visitng. Blair had a couple of ball games following and the boys went with G & G B to watch and had a blast!
Here are a few pics from the day...
Love it!