Oh Brandon, there are days you make me giggle and today was one of them! You and your brother wanted to wrestle all day long. A couple of times that I asked you guys to stop...before you started to cry... you would say "But mom we aren't wrestling we are just using these (as you hold up the cardboard DVD cases that you were wrestling/playing swords with). So with that you two continued to wrestle most of the day off and on.
Tonight about 15 minutes before we were going to eat supper you brought me a package of pop tarts and asked me to open them, I told you that you couldn't have any then said ok only one. You continued to jump around and whine about it. I said to you "B stop jumping around and throwing a fit." Your response "Well mom just always do what I tell you!" You are too smart for your own good sometimes!
Then as we were eating supper I got the cheese out and a knife. As I sat down at the table and asked you if you would like a piece of cheese you proceeded to tell me that the knife I was using was the one that I gave you to cut melon with and then that you cut your finger with...indicating that it was all my fault you cut your finger. The true story is that I had asked you to leave the knife alone however you decided to ignore that question and continued to cut away...until you cut your finger!!
You are our little B Bop....LOVE you!!
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