Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Mother's Day Gift

Here is a picture of my Mother's Day gift from the boys.  It was ordered from Vintage Pearl.  I LOVE it!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sunday, May 8th ~ Happy Mother's Day!

Today my boys let their mama have a little sleep in!  It was much appreciated.  I then woke up to Carter coming in all excited with a special present for me.  I opened up a frame that he had made in Grandpa  M's workin shop with a picture that said I (Heart) mom!  What a wonderful gift and to see the pride on his face was so moving!  It now makes sense to me why he wanted to go to grandpa's garage all week.  He kept telling me that he had something he needed to make!  This gift totally touched my heart!

My gift from Carter!

The boys have given me a necklace I have wanted since I first saw it in a magazine while in the hospital with Corbin.  It hasn't arrived yet!  Can't wait to get it!!

Once we were all up and at it we headed over to my mom and dad's for brunch with them, by brother and his fiance and my grandparents.  It was great to see everyone and of course the eats were great!  Then there was a little lounge time in the afternoon before we headed back to mom and dad's for supper.

I ended the day out for a stroll once all the kidlets were in bed!

Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful mom's out there.  I would like to say THANK YOU to my mom!  She is an amazing woman and words can not explain how thankful I am for all that she does for me/us, all that she has taught me and all that she continues to teach me!  Thank you you!

Saturday, May 7th ~ Garage Sale Day!

Today was the Community Wide Garage Sale day. Mom was over and joined me for our sale.  It was a good day.  The sun was shining and the wind wasn't too bad.  There were lot's of people out and about! 

Carter set up his juice and cookies first thing in the morning.  By the end of the day he had made $62.  I would say a pretty successful day!

Had to move to the shade as the day went on...the sun was melting the chocolate in the cookies!
Blair was gone to badminton all day and missed out on the fun events of the day!  This evening the kids had one of their favourite baby sitters while Blair worked at the Ladies Night Out fundraiser for our local ball facility and I attended with some friends!

Friday, May 6th ~ Early Present!

I had a nice surprise this evening.  Carter was so excited about what he made me for Mother's Day that he asked me to open his gift tonight!  It brought a tear to my eye! The one book he made was so sweet and really touched home on many of the things he said.  He printed most of it himself!! What an amazing little boy!  Love you!

(Will post picture later)

Thursday, May 5th ~ Cookies

Today was another busy day with the sun finally shining!  The oldest two attended the story hour at our local library in the morning.  In the afternoon B had a nap, Carter, Corb and I baked some cookies for the Garage Sale on the weekend.  Carter really wants a DS and I told him that if he wants one that bad he should save his money and buy one himself.  I am hoping that it will teach him what things are worth and he will value it a little more.  I asked him if he would like to make cookies and sell them and juice at the garage sale on Saturday.  He was pumped about the idea! 

We also took advantage of the sun shining and headed out for a couple of walks through out the day!  I love nice weather! :)

Wednesday, May 4th ~ Out and About

Today Carter had Kindergarten, it was "Alphabet Day" and B had daycare, which he was excited for!  That meant that Corbin and I had the day to ourselves.  We left the house around 10 and didn't return till late afternoon.  It was full of visiting, lunch with my mom and good friend and more visiting! A wonderful day as we took the stroller out and had a little exercise at the same time!

Tuesday, May 3rd - 3 Months Old

Wow, the time sure has flew by!  Today Corbin turned 3 months old!  What a big boy he is getting to be.

A few things about him at 3 months old...
- a cat napper during the day
- a hungry little boy, nursing every couple of hours during the day
- goes to bed around 8:30 after his bath
- sleeps through until around 6 a.m. (knock on wood!)
- loves it when his big brothers give him attention
- loves laying naked before bath time
- a very content little baby
- loves his fingers

Monday, May 2nd ~ But Mom

Today B walked upstairs and told me "Mom, I pee'd in the laundry."  I said "What are talking about, why didn't you come up and use the bathroom?"  His response, "But moooom I didn't want to pee on the stairs."  So I told him to come downstairs and show me where he did the deed.  Yup, he sure did pee in the laundry...he opened to door to the front load washer and did what he had to do.......

My mom also gave me one of my favourite flower plants today! A gerber daisy...

Sunday, May 1st ~ Snow....

Well yesterday was a miserable day with snow and big wind...therefore this is what we woke up to this much for "April showers bring May Flowers". 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Saturday, April 30th ~ Craft Show

Today was a miserable day outside, it was snowing and the wind was blowing.  Ray and Judy came down last night as Judy had a table in the craft show.  Carter spent the morning with her at the rink and painted some materpieces that he sold.  We all went to the rink to browse and have a little lunch.  The afternoon was a quiet one...after all no one wanted to be outside.  Ray and Judy were actually storm stayed here an extra night at the highways where pure ice. 

Both boys had their faces painted while we were at the Craft Show.  B  fell asleep on his dad's shoulders while we were getting ready to leave and continued to sleep well after we got home.  Below is a picture of his face after his sleep...just a little bit of a smear!

Funny Memory
My sister was a vendor today at the Craft Show as well selling her Gold Canyon Candle products.  She said something to B about being a batman and his response was something along the lines of  "This (pointing to his face) is batman but I'm still a real person!"  Too cute!

I just love the look of peace on the face of a sleeping baby!

Friday, April 29 ~ Rain Rain Rain

Today was another gloomy day.  It rained a good portion of the day.  The oldest two started the day playing survivor man  and then thought it was time to get out of the house and go play in the rain.  They had fun and came inside completely drenched!  The day ended with some big smiles by the big guy!

Wednesday, April 27th - Easter Vaca!!

Today we headed to Minot for a mini Easter Vacation!  It was the first trip as a family of 5 to somewhere other than to visit family!  The boys were very excited as we were going to the hotel with "water slides".  To all of our surprise, when we reached the hotel, the "water slides" were closed and undergoing repairs.  Lovely....just lovely!! After much deliberation between us and the boys we decided to still stay.  The little kid pool was still open and the boys were ok with that!  All in all it was a great mini vaca and we all enjoyed ourselves.

Tuesday, April 26th - 1st Ever Lego Creation

B was so proud of this creation.  It was the first one that he has ever made that followed the directions from start to finish and that he did 100% by himself!