Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Saturday, April 30th ~ Craft Show

Today was a miserable day outside, it was snowing and the wind was blowing.  Ray and Judy came down last night as Judy had a table in the craft show.  Carter spent the morning with her at the rink and painted some materpieces that he sold.  We all went to the rink to browse and have a little lunch.  The afternoon was a quiet one...after all no one wanted to be outside.  Ray and Judy were actually storm stayed here an extra night at the highways where pure ice. 

Both boys had their faces painted while we were at the Craft Show.  B  fell asleep on his dad's shoulders while we were getting ready to leave and continued to sleep well after we got home.  Below is a picture of his face after his sleep...just a little bit of a smear!

Funny Memory
My sister was a vendor today at the Craft Show as well selling her Gold Canyon Candle products.  She said something to B about being a batman and his response was something along the lines of  "This (pointing to his face) is batman but I'm still a real person!"  Too cute!

I just love the look of peace on the face of a sleeping baby!

1 comment:

  1. It was actually, "Well my face is painted like Batman, but Auntie Mar, I'm just a boy". Oh how I love your boys!
